Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cont. Dicot orders

Order: Ranales
Hutchinson an Bessy consider Ranales the origin of Dicotyledoneae, but Engler put Ranales as the second order after Centrospermae. Ranales represents a link between Gymnospermeae & Angiospermeae from one side and Monocotyledoneae & Dicotyledoneae on the other side.

Key to families of order Ranales
A. Hydrophytes
      B. Latex present…….…………………..…..Nymphaceae
      BB. Latex absent………………..…….Ceratophyllaceae
AA. Terresterial
      C. Herbs…………………………………Ranunculaceae
      CC. Shrubs
                  D. Volatile oils present
                              E. Carpels more than one
                                          F. Fruits fleshy………..Annonaceae
                                          FF. Fruits dry…….…Magnoliaceae
                              EE. Carpel one ……..………….Lauraceae
                  DD. Volatile oils absent……………Berberidaceae

Key to families of order Rhoedales

A. Flower regular
            B. Gynophore present …………………..…Capparidaceae
            BB. Gynophore absent
                        C. K 2, G (2-∞) ......................................Papaveraceae
                                 (A 2: Fumeroideae, A 4: Hyperoideae, A ∞: Papaveroideae)
                        CC. K 2+2, A 2+4, G (2) …………………Cruciferae
AA. Flower irregular
            D. Gynophore or Androgynophore present
                        E. Gynophore present …………….....Moringaceae
                        EE. Androgynophore present
                                    F. Androgynophore long….Capparidaceae
                                    FF. Androgynophore short…….Resedaceae
            DD. Gynophore or Androgynophore absent..Papaveraceae                                                                                                                                    

Key to families of order Rosales
A. Fruit legume...........................................................Leguminosae
             (Ө: Mimosoideae, %: Caesalpinioideae, % & papilionaceous corolla:
AA. Fruite not legume
            B. A 4+4 ………………………………….…Crassulaceae
            BB. A 5+5 …………………………….........Saxifragaceae
            BBB. A 10+10+10 ………………………..……..Rosaceae
                              (Fruit dehiscent: Spiroideae, Fruit indehiscent, 
                               Flower epigenous: Pomoideae, Flower not so,
                        syncarpous: Prunoideae, Apocarpous: Rosoideae)

Key to families of order Geraniales
A. Flowers unisexual …………………………….Euphorbiaceae
AA. Flowers bisexual
            B. Sepals glanded …………………………Malpighiaceae
            BB. Sepals not glanded
                        C. Style single
                                    D. Stigma free
                                                E. A 4+4 ……………Tropaeolaceae
                                                EE. Not so …………..Geraniaceae
                                    DD. Stigma simple
                                                F. Nectary glands present..Rutaceae
                                                FF. Nectary glands absent
                        CC. Style free
                                    G. Leaves simple ……………….Linaceae
                                    GG. Leaves compound ………Oxalidaceae

Key to families of order Sapindales
A. Stamens 10, one functional surrounded by 5 cushins, Fruite drupe or berry …..................................................…Anacardiaceae
AA. Stamens 5+5 fertile, climbing plants, Fruit capsule ………………………….………………………...…..Sapindaceae

Key to families of order Malvales
A. Androgynophore present ………………………Sterculiaceae
AA. Androgynophore absent
            B. Stamens numerous free or in bundles ………Tiliaceae
            BB. Stamens numerous united
                        C. Stamens monadelphous, pollen grains spiny           
                        CC. Stamens polyadelphous, pollens not spiny  

Key to families of order Myrtiflorae
A. Flower perigynous
            B. Petals present ……………………….……..Lythraceae
            BB. Petals absent …………………………..Thymelaceae
AA. Flower epigynous
            C. Sepals colored ………………………….….Onagraceae
            CC. Sepals green
                        D. Placentation parietal ……………......Punicaceae
                        DD. Placentation axile …...……….……Myrtaceae

Key to families of order Contortae
A. Flowers pentamerous, corona present at corolla throat, filaments reduced ……..........................................................….Apocynaceae
AA. Flolwers tetra- or pentamerous, corona absent, leaves silvery
            B. Stamens 2 epipetalous ...................……...……Oleaceae
            BB. Stamens 4 epipetalous ……………..……Loganiaceae

Key to families of order Tubiflorae
A. Stamens 5 epipetalous
            B. Staminode present ……………………….Bignoniaceae
            BB. All stamens fertile
                        C. Boragoid inflorescence, stiff hairs present
                        CC. Not so
                                    D. Filaments hairy at base, plants climbing
                                    DD. Not so
                                                E. Leaf base asymmetric, green
                                                    capitate sticky stigma..Solanaceae
                                                EE. Leaf base symmetric, stigma
                                                       branched …...…Polemoniaceae
AA. Stamens 2-4 epipetalous
            F. Placentation parietal ……………….…..Orobancaceae
            FF. Placentation axile
                        G. Style gynobasic ………………………Labiatae
                        GG. Style terminal
                                    H. Corolla tube curved …..….Verbenaceae
                                    HH. Corolla tube straight
                                                I. Placentation swollen
                                                II. Placentation not swollen, 2
                                                      bracteoles ………..Acanthaceae

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