Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cont. Families of dicots

Family Ranunculaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: dissected with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Calyx: posterior sepal may form spur, colored.
  4. Corolla: polypetalous, may be 2 united inside the spur.
  5. Androecium: Numerous  stamens, may be 15, spirally arranged.
  6. Gynoecium: Superior ovary, apocarpous, may be 1 carpel, 1 locule, marginal placentation.

Family: Lauraceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: with reticulate venation.
  2. Aromatic odour present.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Trimerous.
  2. Perianth: undifferentiated into calyx nor corolla, petaloid.
  3. Androecium: 12 stamens in 4 whorles, innermost staminodes, the third whorl bearing a pair of basal glandular protuberances.
  4. Gynoecium: Superior ovary, 1 carpel, 1 locule, basal placentation.

Family: Papaveraceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Hispid plant.
  2. Leaves: with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Tetramerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Calyx: two caducous (falling early) sepals.
  4. Corolla: polypetalous, crumbled(duntellate-shape) petals.
  5. Androecium: numerous free stamens.
  6. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 2-∞ carpels, 1  locule, parietal placentation, capitate stigma.

Family: Cruciferae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: clasping with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Inflorescence: Corymboracemose.
  2. Flower: Tetramerous.
  3. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  4. Corolla: polypetalous, each differentiated into claw and limb.
  5. Androecium: 6 stamens, tetradynamous.
  6. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 2 carpels, 2  locules, false septum, parietal placentation.

Family: Leguminosae, subfamily: Mimosoideae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: compound with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Inflorescence:  Head-like.
  2. Flower: Pentamerous.
  3. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  4. Corolla: poly- or gamopetalous.
  5. Androecium: 5-∞ free stamens.
  6. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 1 carpel, 1 locule, marginal placentation.

Family: Leguminosae, subfamily: Caesalpinioideae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: compound with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous, imbericate ascending.
  4. Androecium: 5-10 stamens.
  5. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 1 carpel, 1 locule, marginal placentation.

Family: Leguminosae, subfamily: Papillionoideae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: compound with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous, imbericate descending, papilionaceous
                     corolla(standard,wings, keel).
  1. Androecium: 10 stamens, united diadelphous 1,(9).
  2. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 1 carpel, 1 locule, marginal placentation.

Family: Malpighiaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: compound with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Calyx: sepals with 2 or 1 external glands.
  4. Corolla: polypetalous.
  5. Androecium: 10 stamens connate at base, obdiplostemony.
  6. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 3 carpels, 3 locules, axile placentation.

Family: Tropaeolaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: peltate with reticulate multicostate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Calyx: posterior 3 sepals united forming spur, colored.
  4. Corolla: polypetalous, the 3 anterior differentiated into claw & limb with  
  1. Androecium: 8  stamens, obdiplostemony.
  2. Gynoecium: Superior ovary, 3 carpels, 3 locules, axile placentation.

Family: Rutaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: with reticulate venation.
  2. Characteristic odour.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Tetra- or pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous.
  4. Androecium: 8, 10, (∞) stamens, obdiplostemonous
  5. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 4, 5, ∞ carpels, 4, 5, ∞  locules, axile placentation, basal gland.

Family: Sterculiaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: with reticulate multicostate venation.
Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous, contorted (clockwise/anticlockwise).
  4. Androecium: numerous stamens, united forming incomplete monadelphous staminal tube.
  5. Gynoecium: Superior ovary, 5 carpels, 5 locules, axile placentation, red ovules.
  6. Androgynophore present.

Family: Malvaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: with reticulate multicostate venation.
  2. Presence of mucilage.
Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous, contorted (clockwise/anticlockwise) .
  4. Androecium: numerous stamens, united forming complete monadelphous staminal tube.
  5. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 10 carpels, 10 locules, axile placentation.
Family: Bombacaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: with reticulate multicostate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Pentamerous.
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous, contorted (clockwise/anticlockwise) .
  4. Androecium: numerous stamens, united polyadelphous.
  5. Gynoecium: superior ovary, 5 carpels, 5 locules, axile placentation, red ovules.

Family: Myrtaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves: with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Flower: Tetramerous or pentamerous  .
  2. Perianth: differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Corolla: polypetalous.
  4. Androecium: numerous stamens.
  5. Gynoecium: inferior ovary, 3 carpels, 3 locules, axile placentation, single style.

Family: Apocynaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves opposite or whorled with reticulate venation.
  2. Latex present.

Floral characters:
  1. Pentamerous flower.
  2. Perianth is differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Petals are Gamopetalous, forming corolla tube, contorted aestivation
  4. 5  epipetalous stamens, closing the corolla, hairy.
  5. Superior ovary, 2 carpels, 2 locules, axile placentation, (may be apocarpous), basal glandular disc is present.
Family: Bignoniaceae
Vegetative characters:
  1. Leaves with reticulate venation.

Floral characters:
  1. Pentamerous flower.
  2. Perianth is differentiated into calyx and corolla.
  3. Petals are Gamopetalous, forming corolla tube.
  4. 5 epipetalous stamens, 4 fertile and 1 sterile (staminode).
  5. Superior ovary, 2 carpels, 2 locules, axile placentation, basal glandular disc, bifid stigma.

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